Meet Our Principals:
Bro. Josh Smith & Mrs. Kim Smith

"Hello! I am Mrs. Kim Smith, grade school principal. I am thankful that God has allowed our paths to cross. While you and your family are with us at MICAH, my hope and prayer is that we can share with you God’s love and His saving grace! I am excited for a new year and cannot wait to see everyone again!"
"I am Bro. Josh Smith, the Outreach Pastor (high school principal). It is a blessing and a pleasure to be serving the Lord at Maryville Baptist Church and MICAH Christian School. It my desire to see young people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to develop a strong, growing relationship and walk with Christ. If our nation is ever to be expected to become stronger, it must first start with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who filters His compassionate work through His people. Our vision at MICAH is to see young people accept Christ as Saviour, grow in the Word, and serve the Lord. Christ is our only hope in all things that pertain unto life and godliness (ref. 2 Peter 1:3)."